Aarhus University Seal

Competency development for all teaching staff in the autumn of 2024

Whether you are looking to develop more engaging lectures, participate in peer mentoring, or otherwise develop your teaching practice, the CED has something for you.

The CED offers competency-developing courses for both student teachers, PhD students, part-time teaching staff, postdocs, assistant professors, PhD supervisors, and senior VIP. Photo: Lars Kruse, AU Foto

The CED course catalogue for the autumn of 2024 is ready. We offer competency development focused on your teaching and supervision practices.

Recently, we have increased the number of workshops for teaching staff at associate professor and professor level (senior VIP). The new workshops are part of the Danish framework for advancing university pedagogy and take into account the amount of teaching experience that this particular group has.

The workshops are:

And of course, our course catalogue is aimed at everyone else too. The list of courses and workshops is continuously updated, so please keep an eye on our website.

If you cannot find a course or workshop that suits your needs, please feel free to contact us. We offer 1-1 consultancy, help teams, and customised workshops to suit your needs.

You can read more about the various courses and workshops and sign up here:








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