Aarhus University Seal

Using portfolio in your teaching


The purpose of the workshop is to give the participants knowledge of how the use of portfolios in university teaching can support the students’ learning processes, including giving the students an opportunity for reflection, increased awareness of their own learning, and ensuring an even workload rather than short-term acquisition processes leading up to the exam.

A portfolio is a collection of the student's work, for example, products and reflections that document the student's academic development and results. The content of the portfolio can be used in connection with formative and summative evaluation and offers a broad basis for assessment.

Learning outcome

After the workshop, the participants will have:

  • Insight into the research background for using portfolios in teaching
  • Knowledge of organization of teaching with portfolio
  • Ideas for how portfolios can be used in teaching based on examples from AU
  • Skills in using selected relevant digital tools


The workshop is relevant if you want to be inspired to use portfolios in your teaching. There will also be a chance to do hands-on activities in Brightspace or other digital tools.


Autumn 2024 

  • 15 August from 10.30 to 12.00
    AU Emdrup, Building A , room 302
    Registration deadline: 9 August 2024
    Sign up here 
    The workshop is held in Danish 
  • 6 September from 10.30 to 12.00
    Building 1911, room 320
    Registration deadline: 30 August 2024
    Sign up here  
    The workshop is held in Danish 
  • 14 November from 10.30 to 12.00 
    Building 1911, room 320 
    Registration deadline: 8 November 2024
    Sign up here  
    The workshop is held in English 


  • Target group: PhD students, part-time teaching staff, assistant professors, postdocs, and senior VIP
  • Format: Workshop
  • No. of participants: max. 15
  • Duration: 1½ hours. There will be time for hands-on.
  • Materials: Presentations and guides will be made available at the workshop. 
  • Bring: Participants should bring their own computer, if possible.

Course manager

Course administrator