Aarhus University Seal

Contact and location

The CED's primary address is at Trøjborgvej 82-84 at the top of the University City

Do you need help? Don't know who to contact? Send an email to or call our main office and we will make sure your inquiry is forwarded to the right person:

  • Send us an email at ced@au.dk 
  • Call us at +45 21 55 14 19


The CED's primary address is in Aarhus and, in addition to that, a branch in Emdrup.

Centre for Educational Development
Aarhus University
Building 1910-1911
Trøjborgvej 82-84
8000 Aarhus C

Centre for Educational Development
Aarhus Universitet 
Campus Emdrup
Tuborgvej 164, D125 
2400 København NV


There is a car park right next to our centre in Aarhus. Parking requires either a staff parking permit or a guest parking permit. Remember to read the parking signs.

Find your way
