Aarhus University Seal

Organisation and tasks

The Centre for Educational Development (CED) offers help and consultancy on university education to all academic environments at Aarhus University. All AU teaching staff and coordinators, directors, and executives can get help with their current development work and continuous competency development at our centre.

We contribute to the development of a good transition from upper secondary education to the university, engaging study environments, high-quality activating teaching, innovation based on digitalisation, better feedback on students’ learning outcomes, curriculum development, and a good transition from the university to the work-life.

The CED is one of the largest university educational units in The Nordic countries. We collaborate locally, nationally, and internationally with other innovative environments to ensure that the educational, didactic, and technical choices made by all of us at the universities are based on solid and up-to-date research.

CED's aim and profile

The CED's task to continuously support AU’s strategy for research-based degree programmes of the highest international quality as well as supporting the 2025 strategy’s efforts in the areas of a better commencement of studies, an attractive study and learning environment, engaging educational IT, digital competencies, entrepreneurship and research in the programmes, and graduates for the labour market of the future.

Therefore, we will

  • Create space for and opportunities for experiments and innovation within digitisation, teaching, and education in close collaboration with the professional environments at AU
  • Offer AU’s 7,000 teaching staff – from student instructors to professors – research-based university educational competence development with high and current relevance for the individual
  • Be the natural partner for AU’s more than 800 course coordinators, degree programme directors, and chief executives when they need competent feedback on university educational choices
  • Create and develop the best possible digital framework for teaching at AU
  • Participate actively in the university educational research as well as quality and development processes with the explicit intention of creating high educational value.

To be able to do that, we must

  • Be a centre characterised by accessibility and accommodating behaviour,
  • Collaborate closely and professionally on university education with our many partners at AU (management levels, administrations, departments, programmes, and educators)
  • Collaborate ambitiously and generously with the university educational and didactic players in Denmark and internationally
  • Research-base university education at a high international level
  • Keep ourselves updated and at the forefront of developments in the university educational field and the learning technology opportunities that are just within our reach
  • Create a centre characterised by strong collegiality with space for professional feedback and developing collaborative relationships
  • Benchmark our activities and follow up on these.


The Centre for Educational Development (CED) is directed by Anne Mette Mørcke, who refers to Pro-rector Berit Eika. The centre is organised into three departments and a secretariat:

The Section for Digital Development led by Division Manager Anders Hyldig handles tasks such as AU Studypedia and AU Educate, educational technology, user support, system implementation, and technology development.

The Section for Teaching Development headed by Division Manager Liza Strandgaard carries out tasks within university didactics, methodology, test formats and feedback, teaching environment and assessment, and collegial communities.

The Section for Programme Development, headed by Division Manager Tina Bering Keiding handles tasks within transitions in the education system, educational design, academic regulations, quality assurance, and accreditation.

The secretariat led by Bente Jønshøj works with management and research support, communication, course administration, HR, and finance.