Aarhus University Seal

Brightspace course for new teachers


A basic course with an introduction to the primary Brightspace functions for experienced and new student teachers, instructors, and PhD students. The main purpose of the course is to give you an overview of the learning management system Brightspace.

Learning outcome

The webinar is intended to enable you to:

  • navigate in Brightspace
  • communicate to and with students
  • design course structure and create content
  • get to know the possibilities of integrating learning activities into Brightspace.


The course is primarily targeted to student teachers, instructors, and PhD students, who will be using Brightspace for teaching purposes. During the course you will be presented with examples of other courses and an overview of the primary functions in Brightspace.

The course cover functions such as upload of materials, options for communication with students, and application of learning activities features. At the end of the course, you will get an opportunity to describe your own concrete problems that you have experienced in Brightspace so far and to explore solutions.

Also, we will set up your own test course (sandbox) and enrol you in the Brightspace Online Course for student teachers, which is a resource with instructions and activities in the Brightspace learning management system.

Instructions and further information about Brightspace

Before the course you can log on to https://brightspace.au.dk/ and orient yourself in your 'Sandbox', which is a trial course.

In addition, you can find instructions for Brightspace's functions, which can be useful before and after the workshop.

Find further support and information about Brightspace here.

Dates and registration

Dates autumn
20 August, from 14:00 to 15:30 (in Danish) 
28 August, from 14:00 to 15:30 (in English) 

Registration deadline
Webinar in Danish has deadline on the 18 August 2024, 23.30 
Webinar in English has deadline on the 26 August 2024, 23.30 

You can sign up for the workshop here 


  • Target group: Student teachers, instructors, and PhD students
  • Language: The course is offered in English and Danish.
  • Duration: 1,5 hour
  • Format: Online/Webinar på Zoom
  • No. of participants: Min. 10, max. 100

Course manager

Course administrator