Aarhus University Seal

Quizzes and automated feedback in Brightspace


Are you curious about how to use quizzes and automated feedback in your teaching?

This workshop focuses on the quiz tool in Brightspace and the pedagogical potential that lies in the use of quizzes, surveys, and self-assessment in teaching.

Learning outcome

After the workshop, you will have some concrete ideas for how to use quizzes, surveys, and self-assessment to support students' learning, and knowledge of how quizzes can be used for formative feedback and assessment.


In the workshop we will get into:

  • Quiz, survey, and self-assessment
  • Potentials in formative and summative feedback, and how to embed formative feedback in a quiz
  • Quiz as an assessment and the good question

There are no any special prerequisites to participate as the workshop can accommodate several levels.

If you have not dealt with automated feedback or quizzes in Brightspace before, it is possible to gain some initial experience on the workshop's Brightspace page, where short videos and exercises provides insight into the quiz tool itself.


Autumn 2024 

  • 20 September from 10.00 to 11.30 
    Registration deadline: 6 September 2024
    Sign up here


  • Target group: Student teachers, PhD students, assistant professors, postdocs, and senior VIP
  • Duration: 1 hour
    After the workshop, participants can get individualised advice on the use of quizzes and automated feedback in teaching.
  • Format: Online workshop
  • No. of participants: Max. 15
  • Language: The workshop is held in Danish or English as needed.
  • Requirements for participation: Participants must have access to a computer, the Internet, and Brightspace.

Course administrator