Aarhus University Seal

University Pedagogical Programme


The University Pedagogical Programme is Aarhus University's programme for assistant professors and researchers, who are on their way to qualify for a position as associate professor in accordance with following the ministerial order on the classification of academic ranks and titles at Danish universities. 

The programme aims to contribute to the professionalisation and quality of university teaching by developing the participants’ practical teaching skills and fostering a scholarly approach to teaching.

The programme is organised to meet competence level 2 of Danish Universities common framework for advancing university pedagogy.
Further information is available here: Danish framework for advancing university pedagogy 

Learning outcome

The aim will be achieved when participants are able to:

  • Analyse and discuss teaching with colleagues and students based on knowledge about quality teaching, didactics, assessment, evaluation, and students as learners.
  • Plan, execute, and evaluate well-aligned teaching and assessment activities within their disciplines and organisational contexts in collaboration with colleagues and students.
  • Use and evaluate educational technologies to promote learning activities for groups and individual students.
  • Demonstrate practical teaching skills within a variety of forms of teaching.
  • Collect data, analyse, and communicate information about their teaching practices and experiences to colleagues and other stakeholders in a teaching portfolio


The programme is organised to support the role of the university teacher and teaching practice with a particular focus on the teaching activities in which the participants are already involved, for example, by supporting the planning of teaching and implementation of teaching experiments as well as preparation of teaching material.
Finally, the programme introduces a portfolio tool that gives the participants the possibility to reflect on their own level of university pedagogical competences and to help identify possible areas of qualifications that need attention in order for them to be qualified for an associate professorship.

AU’s rules for teaching portfolios can be found here.

Prerequisites for participation

  • For participants to achieve the most significant possible learning outcome, we strongly recommend that the participant is actively involved in teaching/supervision activities during the programme period, since a large part of the programme activities involve course development and trials which is appropriate in the participant’s own practice.
  • It is recommended that the participants have some experience with teaching and /or supervision planning before participation in the University Pedagogical Programme.
  • Participants must have a supervisor from their own department as supervision and feedback from the supervisor during participation in the University Pedagogical Programme is expected. The scope, form and overall content of the supervisor’s role are decided locally at the faculty or department. Please get in touch with the appropriate department or faculty for any further clarification.
    The supervisor can find further information here.
  • Participants must be able to set aside all the specified meeting days as well as time for preparation before each meeting day. An overview of the programme as well as the scope of the preparation can be found on the website.
  • Physical attendance on the meeting dates is mandatory. It is not possible to attend online on any of the meeting days.
  • Participants must be present for at least 80% of the in-class hours (online activities and independent work do not count). If they are absent more than 20%, they will not be able to pass the course, regardless of the reasons for the absence. A notable exception must exist for not participating on the last dissemination day.
  • Participants do not earn credits for having completed parts of the course and are thus required to retake it in its entirety.
  • Participants must complete and submit ­all assignments before or at the deadlines and actively participate in the meeting days.
  • The programme must be completed within the semester in question.
  • A diploma will be issued after completion of the programme.
  • The programme is only for employees at Aarhus University.


Coordinators at the faculties

The five faculties at AU have each appointed a coordinator who can assist in matters within the faculty concerning the programme.

ARTS: Dean’s Office, Rasmus Rosenkrands Holleufer, e-mail rarh@au.dk

Aarhus BSS: Administrative Centre Aarhus BSS, Mette Fisker Præstegaard, e-mail mfp@au.dk

HEALTH: Administrative Centre Health, Hanne Johansen, e-mail hannejohansen@au.dk

NAT: Dean’s Office, Kristian Mørch Abell, e-mail krab@au.dk

TECH: Dean’s Office, Mathilde Andersen, e-mail m.andersen@au.dk

Spring 2025 - time and place

Registration for the Spring Programme 2025 is closed.

Overview of the meeting days and preparation S2025 is available here (PDF)

Autumn 2025 - time and place

Welcoming session
12 June
Comwell Aarhus
(no overnight stay)
27, 28, 29 August
Workshop & collegial supervision
Campus Aarhus
24 September
Workshop & collegial supervision
Campus Aarhus
23 October
Workshop & collegial supervision
Campus Aarhus
21 November
Campus Aarhus
11 December 

Overview of the meeting days and preparation A2025 is available here (PDF)

  • Before registering for the programme, participants should ensure they have the necessary time for participation and can set aside the specified meeting days and time for preparation (150 hours).
  • Registration requires that the participant has an agreement with their management about participation in the programme.
  • When registering, participant must state name and e-mail of their appointed supervisor (please see section about prerequisites for participation)

Register for the programme here.
The deadline for registration is 25 April 2025.
By the middle of May participants will recieve further information about the programme.
Please note that it is not possible to register after the deadline.

Datoer 2026 - time and place

Meeting dates for 2026 will be announced in March 2025.

Further information

Target group

Assistant professors and researchers employed at Aarhus University.


The programme has a scope corresponding to 150 working hours, including approximately 105 hours of preparation distributed over one semester.




The three-day seminar is held at an external venue in Aarhus (no overnight stay) and the following workshops and meetings are held at Campus Aarhus.
Physical attendance on the meeting days is required.


Julie Lykke Facius

Member of Administrative Staff