Aarhus University Seal

Educational leadership – for academic staff with responsibility for coordinating and developing education and teaching


This course focuses on professors and associate professors who are appointed to have special responsibility for coordinating and developing education and teaching for example course manager, programme coordinator, or head of degree programme.

The course is aimed at the scientific staff who, in addition to their own teaching and research, also have a special organisational responsibility for coordinating and developing education/teaching - a ' role that is carried out without formal management responsibility.

The overall purpose of the course is to contribute knowledge about the special function and organisational position of the dual role, as well as the development of one's own role, with a focus on various aspects of collegial collaborations such as course evaluation.

The course is organised so it reflects the collegial community corresponding to level 3 in the Danish framework for advancing university pedagogy.

Further information here: Danish framework for advancing university pedagogy

Learning outcome

After completion of the course, participants will be able to: 

  • Analyse and assess the specific organisational position and function of the role based on research on educational leadership
  • Translate and use knowledge to handle your own role in local contexts
  • Involve the organisation in aligning expectations of the functions of the role
  • Manage collegial collaborations on, for example, course development


The course is about educational leadership and addresses dilemmas, different expectations, and opportunities in practice for those responsible for teaching without formal management responsibility.

The course will give participants knowledge of their role's special organizational location, role, and function. In addition, the focus will be on practice-oriented development of one's own role within educational leadership with different perspectives on facilitating collegial collaborations.

Prerequisites for participation

It is beneficial if the participants are aware of any organisational documents concerning their role, for example functional descriptions, and have read the Danish framework for recognising university pedagogical merit (only in Danish).

The participants must be teaching staff at Aarhus University who are appointed to have a special responsibility for coordinating and developing education and teaching, for example the academic content of programmes, quality assurance, supervision of younger colleagues, collegial supervision, or professional feedback to colleagues on the development of teaching, supervision, and exams.

Dates and registration

Autumn 2024 (in Danish)


  • Course Day 1: Tuesday 17 September 2024 from 9.00 to 16.00
    Building 1910, room 228 
  • Course Day 2: Tuesday 22 October 2024 from 9.00 to 12.00
    Building 1910, room 228 
  • Course Day 3: Tuesday 3 December 2024 from 9.00 to 12.00
    Building 1910, room 228 

Sign up here.

Registration deadline:
 Friday 28 June 2024, 12.00

Spring 2025 (in English)

  • Course Day 1: Thursday 13 February 2025 from 9.00 to 16.00
    Building 1910, room 228

  • Course Day 2: Thursday 20 March 2025 from 9.00 to 12.00
    Building 1910, room 228

  • Course Day 3: Thursday 8 May 2025 from 9.00 to 12.00
    Building 1910, room 228

Sign up here.

Registration deadline:
Monday 13 January 2025, 12.00


  • Target group: Senior VIP
  • Language: The Autumn 2024 course is held in Danish. The Spring 2025 course is in English
  • Duration: 13 hours (course) +  approx. 20 hours (preparation)
  • Format: 3 course days with on-campus attendance + preparation
  • No. of participants: Min. 8, max. 12
  • Please note: The days will be evaluated to develop and improve future courses.

Course manager

Course administrator