Aarhus University Seal

Introduction to Teaching and Learning (InTeL)


Introduction to Teaching and Learning (InTeL) is a module in university pedagogy for educators at all levels, all disciplines and all forms of teaching.

The module provides a broad introduction to teaching and learning, including key concepts and methods, which help educators improve the quality of their teaching. Those key concepts and methods include alignment, active learning, learning outcomes, educational IT, examination and evaluation. Additionally, the module delves into topics on lectures, classroom teaching, laboratory teaching and clinical training with tips and tricks on how to improve your teaching.

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of the module, you will be able to:

  • Identify elements in your teaching which can be further developed to enhance student learning.
  • Apply a pedagogical principle or tool to the identified element.
  • Argue briefly how the chosen principle or tool is expected to enhance student learning.

When the module is complete, you have developed a specific teaching plan that can be used in your teaching.


The module is estimated to take approximately 7 hours and takes place in the course of one week. The teaching activities take place online in Brightspace.

The module will be held asynchronously, which means that there are no fixed meetings. It is possible to follow the module independently of place and time zone if the participant makes sure to follow the flow of the module and meet the deadlines.

The content of the module is a mix of text, video, and activities. During the week, participants must complete different tasks and work independently as well as relate to the contributions of other participants.

The module is primarily based on active participation and peer feedback, which is why it is essential that the participant is involved from the beginning of the week and can contribute evenly throughout the week. As participant, you have the opportunity to work on the assignments, when it suits you the best, but experience shows, that participants usually are most busy on Tuesday and Wednesday. The deadline for the final assignment must be met.

Upon successful completion of the module, a diploma is issued.

The module is in English, and the teaching is also mostly in English.

Staff and organisation

InTeL is staffed with experienced educators, researchers, and educational developers from the Centre for Educational Development at Aarhus University. It is organised into two groups: a team working with the educational content and a team working with the development and operation of the module.

The educational team varies from module to module. However, it will always consist of educational developers, educators, and/or researchers representing each of the five faculties. Additionally, experts within their respective disciplines have jointly produced the teaching material for the module. The module's educational team is referred to as e-moderators as their roles are not to convey the curriculum in a classic sense but rather to guide and moderate the learning process.

The team working with the development and operation of the module is referred to as the managing editors. They currently consist of:

The managing editors are responsible for the module's academic content and responsible for the overall management and development of the module.

Dates and registration

Autumn 2024 

Spring 2025


  • Target group: PhD students, part-time teaching staff, assistant professors, and postdocs
  • Span: about 7 hours during one week
  • Course certificate: upon satisfactory completion
  • Language: English
  • No. of participants: max. 80
  • The module is held every January and August


Course administrator