Aarhus Universitets segl

NAT and TECH: PhD Supervision Course


The aim of the course is to enhance the participants’ supervision strategies and cultivate a flexible approach to supervision to adapt to the PhD-student’s development needs.

Learning outcome

Upon completion of the course, the participants will have tools and strategies to:

  • Clarify and align expectations to support the PhD-student’s supervision needs
  • Provide constructive text feedback to promote the students’ writing processes
  • Employ dialogic techniques to deal with dilemmas in supervision and improve the outcome of the supervisory meetings
  • Facilitate the PhD-student’s integration in the research community while fostering their overall wellbeing
  • Collaborate within the supervisory team to effectively coordinate responsibilities and support the PhD student’s development


Research and evidence based thematic presentations followed by discussions, practical training and feedback. There will be a few preparations tasks to be completed before the course (3 hours).

The course is practical in nature, involving discussions and a hands-on approach to testing methods and tools in supervision.

The course covers the most essential elements of PhD-supervision and brings experienced and inexperienced supervisors up to date on developments and research in the area.

Day 1 focuses on:

  • Observing the rules and regulations of a PhD-education
  • Managing the process of supervision (aligning expectations, handling differences and responding to student needs)
  • Facilitating integration into the research environment to enhance students’ development and success
  • Discussing ways to support student wellbeing

Day 2 focuses on:

  • Research Integrity
  • Supervision of writing through written feedback and oral conversations
  • Project and time management to adjust workload and prevent delays
  • Communication skills (e.g. dialogic and questioning techniques) to ensure progression in supervisory meetings and manage dilemmas and difficulties in supervision.


Spring 2025

For time, full course description and registration please see the course calendar at Graduate School of Natural Sciences and Graduate School of Technical Sciences.

Fall 2025

For time, full course description and registration please see the course calendar at Graduate School of Natural Sciences and Graduate School of Technical Sciences.


  • Target group: The course is aimed at main supervisors and co-supervisors of PhD projects
  • Language: English
  • Span: No. of contact hours/hours in total incl. preparation, assignment(s), or the like 2 × 7,5 + 3 = 18 hrs
  • No. of participants: Max. 30
  • Course certificate: Upon satisfactory completion
  • Prerequisites: Preferably, the participants should be involved as main or co-supervisors of PhD students


Dorina Gnaur



Thilde Møller Risgaard

Kursusadministrator Administrationscenter Health - Health ph.d-administration