Video: New ways of thinking about feedback for student learning
Now you can watch or rewatch the keynote on how students can learn more from the feedback they receive. The CED had the pleasure of presenting Professor David Boud, who among other things highlighted the importance of feedback pointing forward and is given well in advance so that the students can implement it in their future work.

Professor David Boud from Deakin University in Australia advised teachers and educational developers on how students can learn more from the feedback they receive at an event at Aarhus University on 10 January 2023.
Do you want to learn more?
You can read more about the lecture and workshop in the Danish article Studerende vil have mere, undervisere synes, de giver mere end nok: Derfor har vi brug for en feedback-revolution in Aarhus University's independent university newspaper Omnibus.
If your teaching team, section, or department is interested in discussing and designing feedback processes, the CED can facilitate a 2–3-hour workshop on feedback for teaching staff at AU.
Contact Annika Büchert Lindberg ( | +45 60 20 27 56) to hear more.