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CED offers AU staff competency development, consultation services, and collaboration on university didactics, educational technology, teaching, and education.
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Competency development for educators
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Digital competencies in education are becoming more and more important. But what does it mean to be digitally competent? What criteria must be met? And how do degree programmes provide their students with the necessary digital skills?
How do we ensure that our programmes strengthen students’ digital competencies so they are well-prepared for the labour market of the future? As part of a bigger initiative, the degree programmes in molecular biology and molecular medicine…
Now you can watch or rewatch the keynote on how students can learn more from the feedback they receive. The CED had the pleasure of presenting Professor David Boud, who among other things highlighted the importance of feedback pointing…
This workshop will introduce you to central theoretical concepts behind collaborative learning. The workshop will be held in English on Monday 16 January 2023 at 13:00 at CED and is facilitated by Lærke Marijke Nørholk, PhD student at…
The new year is fast approaching and perhaps you would like to learn more about or develop your teaching practice in the coming semester? The CED offers a wide range of courses and workshops for teaching staff at AU, and in this article,…
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