Aarhus University Seal

Aarhus University is replacing Padlet with TaskCards

From the beginning of the new year, AU will replace Padlet with TaskCards as the digital platform for collaborative learning activities. To ensure a smooth transition, the CED is offering an introductory webinar on TaskCards.

TaskCards is a digital bulletin board that makes it easy to collaborate and share content such as posts, links, images, audio files, text documents, and videos. With the platform's so-called cards it is simple and straightforward to share activities.

The change is due to a significant price increase for Padlet, necessitating a more cost-efficient alternative. To support a successful implementation of TaskCards, a webinar will be held focusing on the basic functions and pedagogical strategies that can help create valuable learning activities with the new tool.

Learning objectives of the webinar

During the webinar, we will explain how to set up an activity and plan collaborative activities that can be conducted both during class and as preparatory or follow-up activities before and after class.

Participants will be introduced to the basic functions and user interface of TaskCards, including the creation and sharing of so-called 'cards', which are designed to support collaboration.

Additionally, we will present strategies to tailor learning activities to specific objectives and enhance student engagement both inside and outside the classroom

The webinar will also include time for you to design your own learning activities, providing actionable ideas and effective strategies to integrate into your teaching.


The webinar will be led by Special Consultant Tobias Alsted Nielsen. He works as an educational consultant at the CED, specialising in developing and supporting course designs that utilise online learning activities.


The webinar will be held in both Danish and English.

Register here:

Guides, usage, and support

Information and guides on transferring data from Padlet and using TaskCards will be continuously updated on AU Educate.

CED is available to assist you with getting started with TaskCards. You can contact CED’s support via the contact form.