Aarhus University Seal

Book a consultant from the CED

A new booking feature makes it easier for all teaching staff, course coordinators, and managers to schedule time with one of our experts in university pedagogy, educational technology, teaching, and education in general.

At the CED, we are nearly 60 employees covering all areas of university education – from the operation and development of Brightspace and other educational technologies, development of teaching activities, and course design to programme development and AU's strategic initiatives such as retention and academic and social integration, internationalisation, and digitalisation. Thus, we have extensive knowledge and are ready to assist you. Photo: Nina Adolfsen, CED

"We want to make it as easy as possible for all of AU's researchers to get in touch with the CED about ideas or needs for advice and consultancy. Some prefer to participate in our courses, to read about topics on AU Educate, or to participate in all-day seminars with colleagues. For others, the personal 1-1 guidance is a crucial component in their professional development," explains the centre director at the CED, Anne Mette Mørcke.

Therefore, with a new booking function, the CED now offers an easier entry to our services. In the form, you explain what you need help with or guidance on, and we will match you with a consultant who suits your needs. For employees at AU, it is free.

Consultancy for all needs

The CED's employees have in-depth knowledge of various aspects of university education and teaching. Thus, we offer advice on a wide range of university educational topics. This ranges from the use of educational technologies, planning of activating forms of teaching and courses, to specialized areas such as first-year didactics and digital competencies in the curriculum.

"We are deeply aware that development work can be a time-consuming task. A lot of researchers have tight schedules, yet often they have a desire to develop their teaching on top of all the many other tasks. Therefore, it is our goal to offer flexible help that meets various needs as much as possible," concludes Anne Mette Mørcke.