New workshops in online teaching: get ready for the upcoming semester
We are looking at a spring semester where online teaching is still the dominant way to teach students at Aarhus University. If you need to be equipped to teach online or simply want new inspiration for your online teaching, you can take part in one of the new workshops offered by CED.
The prolongation of the latest restrictions due to covid-19 means that the first part of the spring semester at Aarhus University will take place online. Therefore, the Centre for Educational Development offers workshops in online teaching for teachers at AU. All workshops take place online and prepare you to teach your students online, e.g. by introducing specific digital tools and teaching activities.
The workshops offered are divided into three categories: Online Classroom Teaching, Online Lectures and Hybrid Teaching. The division is, among other things, designed to recognise the differences between classroom teaching and lectures, e.g. that they, physically as well as online, contain a number of different elements and tools. However, you are more than welcome to participate in all three workshops, which you can read more about below.
View all workshops and register at the CED website
Online Classroom Teaching: Collaboration and interaction with the students
When teaching goes online, it can be extra difficult to get the students to participate actively and contribute to discussions in the classroom. It may therefore be necessary to adapt your teaching to an online format in order to increase engagement and learning. This workshop will provide you with advice, specific tools and pedagogical principles to do so.
At the workshop, you will get specific suggestions for how you can organise your teaching so that it supports the students’ commitment and active participation, both when you meet online (synchronously), and when they work on their own (asynchronously). There will also be time for both testing technologies and for discussing practical experiences from lecturers themselves.
Register for the workshop about Online Classroom Teaching at CED’s website
Online Lecture: Structure, organisation and dialogue
Do you give lectures online, for example via Zoom, in the coming semester, and do you want your students to participate more actively in your online lecture? Are you interested in supporting dialogue, writing on a blackboard in a flexible manner, and getting a sense of the students’ learning – also when the lecture takes place online?
None of these questions are simple to answer, but in this workshop on online lecturing, you will be presented with ideas and examples that hopefully can inspire you. The focus will be on how to build your lecture around an online format, and how you organise an online lecture with presentations, breaks and activities. In addition, you will get specific examples of well-functioning activities and tools for activating the students during the lecture via online polls or breakout rooms.
Register for the workshop about Online Lectures at CED’s website
Hybrid Teaching: Students on campus and online at once
As in autumn 2020, the teaching in spring 2021 will probably entail hybrid or parallel teaching. This means that some students will follow the teaching that takes place physically on campus, while others will follow the same teaching online via Zoom.
At the workshop in hybrid teaching you are introduced to the known challenges of this teaching setup, and you are presented with considerations and suggestions for specific solutions, e.g.: Where should you direct your communication, and how do you handle the questions that pop up online?
There will also be focus on how you can involve and activate the students online as well as on campus and which technologies you can use for this purpose. Finally, you are introduced to a number of suggestions for how you can structure physical/online teaching.
Register for the workshop about Parallel Teaching at CED’s website