After-hours meeting: How are chatbots changing our working, writing, and teaching practices?
Join the Centre for Educational Development for an after-hours meeting on how chatbots are changing writing and working practices – and the consequences this can have in regard to teaching. The event is on Tuesday 12 March 2024 from 15:00 to 17:00 and is held in English.

The CED invites you to an after-hours meeting about chatbots. We will focus on how chatbots are changing the writing and working practices for everyone doing writing as a central part of their job – and the consequences this can have in regard to teaching.
- 15.00: Welcome, coffee, and cake
- 15.15: How chatbots affect the process of academic writing and working
Tine Wirenfeldt Jensen is the owner of METoDo, a member of the Ministry of Children and Education's expert group on ChatGPT and test forms, and a member of the Copenhagen Business School’s advisory board on AI in education.
She will talk about how the use of chatbots influences academic writing competencies and discuss how the technology of Large Language Models invites us to engage with a difficult discussion on academic writing that has been long overdue.
- 15.40: Under which circumstances can writing with chatbots improve student performance?
Franziska Günzel-Jensen is an Associate Professor at the Department of Management, Aarhus BSS.
She will present the findings of an experimental study that she has undertaken together with Carsten Bergenholtz, Oana Vuculescu, and Lars Frederiksen. In this experimental study, they have investigated how the access to ChatGPT-4 affects AU students’ ability to analyze and respond to a standard organizational behavior case. Based on the quantitative as well as qualitative data, she will discuss who benefits from working and writing with chatbots (spoiler alert: not everybody) and how students can find their own work/writing rhythm with them.
- 16.05: Break
- 16.15: How chatbots are changing the way we write
Peder Hammerskov is a journalist and an assistant professor at the Danish School of Media and Journalism.
He will discuss how the media and journalists are experimenting with the incorporation of generative AI in their writing practices. He will also explore how this influences the debate about students' writing and reflection competencies.
- 16.40: Panel discussion and questions from the audience
- 16.55: Closing remarks
You can sign up here
Registration deadline: 6 March 2024
Aarhus University
Building 1912, room 114
Trøjborgvej 82-84
8000 Aarhus C