Aarhus University Seal

Evaluation in practice: Methods and opportunities

The purpose of the workshop is to provide participants with evaluation methods to revise and develop their teaching and supervision practices, as well as developing new formats for teaching evaluation.

Intended learning outcomes

Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Discuss the current evaluation practice at Aarhus University
  • Evaluate and discuss their current evaluation practices.
  • Develop and revise their teaching practice based on teaching evaluation.
  • Develop and discuss new formats for evaluating their own teaching and supervision.


The workshop will briefly introduce current research in teaching evaluation, and based on that, participants will have the opportunity to work on developing their teaching and supervision practices and other formats for teaching evaluation. The workshop will involve a mix of presentations, group work, individual coaching, and the development of an action plan.
During the workshop, we will work based on your evaluation and address the following questions among others:

  1. What feedback do you receive from the evaluation regarding the students' experience of the course and any desired changes.
  2. What changes are desirable and feasible in light of the evaluations within the given framework.
  3. How to adapt your evaluation practice so that it provides you with the answers you need.

Supplemental information

In the Danish framework for advancing university pedagogy, this workshop focuses on the part about Quality assurance.

Prerequisites for participation

Please bring one or more evaluations for the workshop.



  • Target group: Associate professors and professors (level 3) from all faculties.
  • Language: English unless all participants speak and understand Danish.
  • Duration: 3 hours (no preparatory work). 
  • No. of participants: Min. 8, max. 25
  • Bring: Bring one og more evaluations for the workshop.
  • Course certificate: Upon satisfactory completion.

Course manager

Berit Lassesen

Associate Professor

Course administrator