Aarhus University Seal

Academic Supervision Online Course

The aim of this course is to introduce key elements and methods in academic supervision of undergraduate (BA) and master's (MA) students, helping you strengthen your skills and experience in the field of supervision.

Effective academic supervision is essential for student success at both the BA and MA levels. This online course introduces the fundamental principles and best practices to support and strengthen your supervisory approach.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Align expectations effectively with students
  • Adapt supervision methods to meet different student needs
  • Provide high-quality feedback that supports academic development
  • Navigate the supervision process within institutional frameworks.


During the course, you will:

  • Gain insights into best practices for academic supervision
  • Improve your ability to provide structured feedback
  • Develop strategies to align expectations with students
  • Enhance your communication and active listening skills
  • Learn to balance process- and product-oriented supervision approaches
  • Create two supervision-related documents: a supervisor letter and a supervision plan.

The course addresses the following key areas of academic supervision:

  • Product-oriented competencies
    Providing effective feedback on student work and helping them refine their academic output
  • Process-oriented competencies
    Setting clear expectations and guiding students through the research and writing process
  • Communication competencies
    Fostering constructive dialogue through active listening and effective questioning techniques

You can work through the course modules at your own pace and in any order you choose.


The course can be completed in Brightspace at your own pace.

Click on the 'Content' menu item to access the course content.


  • Target group: Part-time teaching staff, postdocs, assistant professors, and senior VIP
  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Format: Self-paced online course
  • Language: English
  • Course certificate: Upon completing the course, including reviewing all topics and submitting two products (a supervisor letter and supervision plan), you will receive a course certificate.

Course manager