Aarhus University Seal

AARHUS BSS: Online and blended learning


This course aims at developing the teachers’ use of learning technologies in campus-based teaching. The course is targeted associate and full professors at Aarhus BSS.

Note: The course takes place over five weeks with online, asynchronous learning activities corresponding to approximately twelve hours of work and two synchronous meetings in the form of online workshops for one hour and two hours. As a participant in the course, you must plan to participate in online learning activities in the entirety of the period from 12 November to 13 December.

Learning outcome

After succesfully completing the module, participants should be able to:

Module 1 – Digital Learning technologies

  • describe the primary technical functionalities and pedagogical affordances of the AU approved learning technologies
  • argue for the more appropriate applications of the learning technologies and online learning activities available according to specific teaching contexts.

Module 2 – Online and Blended Learning

  • compare and discuss the potentials and pitfalls of teaching formats combining campus-based teaching and online learning activities, e.g., Blended Learning, Flipped Classroom and HyFlex teaching
  • design learning activities using relevant learning technologies to achieve specific teaching goals and counter teaching related challenges
  • produce relevant learning objects and online teaching materials.

Module 3 – Course Design

  • analyse a specific course in relation to types of learning activities and reflect on how these learning activities can be combined in onsite and online teaching
  • design, conduct and evaluate online or blended teaching activities or courses
  • present experiences from the redesigned course as a teaching case at e.g., AU Educate or for colleagues at a department seminar.


Module 1 – Digital Learning Technologies

Introduction to AU approved digital learning technologies and a variety of digital learning activities, possibilities of use and potential challenges.

Module 2 – Online and Blended Learning

Presentation of concepts, literature and examples of various online and blended course formats and designs, e.g. Flipped Classroom and HyFlex teaching.

The participants will be able to design and produce digital learning activities and learning objects relevant to their own teaching.

Key themes will be digital pedagogy, framing of online learning activities, students’ engagement in online teaching, and the balance of impact and effort.

Module 3 – Course design - optional individual supervision

The participant will design their own course in a blended learning or online course format. The format is individual supervision together with a pedagogical consultant from CED who will provide sparring on educational challenges and the didactical design. In addition, one can get help with production of relevant teaching materials, setup of a Brightspace course site and evaluation and adjustments of the tested learning design.

Individual sparring and supervision as well as technical assistance will be available during the module, e.g. to produce relevant online learning material, design the course page in Brightspace, evaluate the course design and identify next steps for the development of the specific course.

Course structure

The course is structured mainly as an online, self-paced course within the duration of 5 weeks. There will be two short synchronous, online meetings.

Expect to set aside 12 hours to complete module 1 and module 2. These modules are mandatory for associate professors and professors at Aarhus BSS, cf. management decisions at the faculty.

After completion of module 1 and module 2, participants are free to join individual guidance in module 3, which is optional. 

Module 1: The module begins with a short online meeting on Zoom (1 hour) followed by online asynchronous interactions and self-paced learning activities. The module ends with the beginning of module 2.

Module 2: The module begins with a short online meeting on Zoom (2 hours) followed by online asynchronous interactions and self-paced learning activities. 

Module 3: Individual sparring with a consultant from CED.


Spring 2025

The course is held as 3 modules from 6 May 2025.

  • Registration link will distributed by the Dean's Office at Aarhus BSS
  • Contact at the Dean´s Office is Mette Fisker Præstegaard 
    Phone: +45 9352 2807
    Mail: mfp@au.dk

Module 1:
Online meeting 6 May 11:00-12:00.
Online self-paced activities in the periode from 6 May to & June.

Module 2:
Online meeting 21 May 10:00-12:00.
Online self-paced activities in the periode from 21 May.

Module 3:
Optional individual sparring. Enrollment takes place separately at the end of module 2.


  • Target group: Senior VIP
  • Number of participants: Min. 5, max. 35
  • Course certificate: Upon satisfactory completion
  • Language: The course and all course materials are in English. If only Danish-speaking participants are attending the course, the online meetings and workshop will be held in Danish.
  • Duration: The course is structured mainly as an online course within the duration of 5 weeks. Expect to set aside 12 hours to complete module 1 and module 2. Module 3 is optional.

Course manager

Course administrator