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CED offers AU staff competency development, consultation services, and collaboration on university didactics, educational technology, teaching, and education.
Inspiration for your teaching
Competency development for educators
Free personalised consultancy services
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Aarhus University has received sustainability certification for the renovation of the CED premises at Trøjborgvej. The certification is the first of its kind at AU and has been awarded, among other things, for the good indoor climate and…
We are searching for colleagues for two 3-year postdoctoral positions with a focus on teaching development and educational development.
Regardless of whether you want to learn more about learning technologies, get competent feedback from peers, or in some other way develop your teaching practice, the CED certainly has an offer for you.
Exams, assessment, the grading system, and teaching culture at university level. As an international employee, teaching in Denmark for the first time can be challenging. In the self-paced online course ‘Teaching@AU’ you will learn about the…
PhD supervisors with several years of experience can have difficulty finding formal communities where they can exchange supervision experiences with peers. A new course offers experienced PhD supervisors the opportunity to establish and…
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