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A new study of the well-being of PhD students at Aarhus University shows an increase in students who feel stressed and unsure if what they are doing is good enough. Associate professor Gitte Wichmann-Hansen states that the corona shutdown…
During the autumn and the following year, the employees and management at Aarhus University will discuss the new joint framework for advancing university pedagogy. Anne Mette Mørcke, centre director of the Centre for Educational…
A significant part of the teaching every semester at Aarhus University is handled by talented and committed student teachers. They have the opportunity to get prepared for the teaching role on the student teacher course. We have asked a…
Peer review of teaching – also known as collegial feedback – can positively affect the quality of the teaching, educator identity, and the relationship between educator and student. This is evident in current university educational…
On 1 January 2020, a new ministerial order on the job structure at Danish universities became effective. The order stipulates that the university is responsible for ensuring that all academic staff who teach will need to continuously…
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